
WE ARE LOOKING FOR YOU! Employees wanted (m/f/d) in Vienna part-time or part-time

Digital marketing & startup all-rounder

Warum du teil unseres Teams werden solltest

Möglichkeit zur Mitgestaltung

Wir sind ein Startup. Wir experimentieren. Wir testen. Deine Ideen, Erfahrungen und Meinungen sind hier genau richtig.

Flexible Arbeitszeiten

Gestalte deinen Tag innerhalb der festgelegten Arbeitsstunden so anpassungsfähig wie möglich.


Wir glauben an das lebenslange Lernen. Bei uns hast du die Möglichkeit, dich auch fachlich weiterzubilden, um zu wachsen.

Hybride Arbeitsmodelle

Arbeitest du lieber im Büro, von zuhause oder aus dem Ausland? Sowohl als auch? Einen kleinen Prozentsatz wollen wir dich persönlich im Büro haben und darüber hinaus machst du das so, wie es für dich am besten passt!


Es geht nicht um den Obstkorb. Wir feiern gerne und oft und freuen uns, wenn du Teil unseres Teams werden willst.

Office-Location auf der inneren Mahü

Ehrlich gesprochen sind wir kulinarisch mittlerweile verdorben. Jeden Tag ein neues Lokal, Bar oder Restaurant. Die Energie auf der Mariahilfer Straße finden wir top.

We have a mission and we are looking for you to make it happen!

Are you up to it?

You can be involved and help us to do away with clichés like “The legal profession is really dry” and really help our clients to build more reach and awareness. You don’t need ironed shirts or tight ties, not even shoes – nobody wears them here anyway. What we’re looking for is someone who wants to achieve great things with us.

We are a bootstrapped startup. This means that you will be involved in many experiments. You are an essential part of our team. In detail:

  • You prepare texts, emails and social media posts
  • Contact & contact person for questions & needs of our customers & business partners
  • We work with several agencies and coordinate marketing strategies
  • We produce videos & podcasts with our customers. And for this you produce podcasts and media productions in collaboration
  • Tests & brainstorming to expand functionalities

This is what you need for this:

  • An affinity for communication, conversation & digital marketing experiments
  • Interested in getting to know other people and advising them
  • An organized way to keep track of and set the right priorities even with 30 open to-dos

This is what you can expect from us:

  • The opportunity to help shape the success and future of the company and work in an appreciative working environment
  • A fixed basic salary. The remuneration is based on the collective agreement and amounts to at least 1,850 €/gross full-time. Higher remuneration is of course possible if you have the appropriate qualifications and professional experience
  • We all have individual living conditions. Some are studying, some want to work on projects on the side and some want to give their job full steam. Together we determine the number of hours you want to work, the number of hours part-time or full-time
  • Personal training and contact person
  • A varied job in which you will never be bored
  • The chance to work with a team on big goals
  • A job with real value
  • Working in a family environment where everyone meets at eye level
  • Grow with us in an up-and-coming company


…now you recognize yourself and think that you are perfect for this position, then take the time to get in touch with us. Send us your CV and anything you would like to tell us to

Wir helfen kleinen Anwaltskanzleien dabei, sich im multimedialen Zeitalter durchzusetzen

Noch Fragen?

Du kannst uns gerne über den Chat in der unteren rechten Ecke deines Browsers oder per E-Mail kontaktieren. Wir sind für dich da!
